The Anesthesia service type dictionary contains standard descriptions used when referencing how anesthesia services were provided.
Physician personally performed
CRNA with medical direction by a physician
CPT-4 modifiers are associated to the description and can be used as defaults when billing for the Anesthesia Professional Services Charges. Example: AA or QX.
When the Anesthesia service type is included in the Clinical Documentation Management (CDM) module the information can be passed from the ASC Business Entity to an Anesthesia Business Entity that belongs to the same Billing Group.
The Anesthesia service type is a Partially Shared (Business Group) dictionary. Items entered here will be active in all Business Entities in the Business Group, but the CPT Modifier field will be unique to each Business Entity.
To add a new anesthesia service type
Click to save your changes and return to the Items screen.
Click to save your changes and clear the fields on the dialog, so you can add another new Item to the dictionary.
Click to discard your changes and return to the Items screen.
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